Name That Cow

Ever wonder where your milk or baked cheese comes from? I mean, what kind of cow it comes from? When you think of a dairy cow, you probably picture a black-and-white Holstein, but did you know there are many different breeds of dairy cow?

Holstein – The Classics. When you think of a dairy cow, you probably picture a black-and-white Holstein. Holsteins make up about 90% of the dairy cows in America, and they owe their popularity to their productivity – on average making nearly nine gallons of milk every day. Holsteins are originally from Holland, and came to America in the 1850s.

Jersey – The Little Beauties. Jersey cows are a smaller breed, with soft brown hair and great big beautiful eyes. But it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and they produce some of the richest milk, often used to produce butter and baked cheese. Jersey cows are originally from Britain, and came to America in the 1860s.

Guernsey – The French Gold. Guernseys are known as The Royal Breed thanks to their golden milk. A high amount of beta carotene – a source of vitamin A – gives the milk its rich color. Guernsey cows are from Britain, but are believed to have originated from two French breeds. They came to America in the early 1900s.

Ayrshire – The Scottish Warriors. Ayrshires (pronounced air-sheers) used to be called Dunlops. They’re orangey-brown and known for being hardy and long-living. Ayrshires also tend to be more dominant than other dairy breeds – I like to think they’re representing their Scottish heritage. They came to America in the 1820s.

Milking Shorthorn – The Pioneers. Milking Shorthorns are known for being efficient grazers that are easy to manage, which may be why they became world travelers early on; they were the first dairy cows brought to America, New Zealand and Australia. Originally from England, Milking Shorthorns arrived on this side of the pond in the 1780s.

Read the original article here at the Dairy Discovery Zone, by Kaci McClatchy Cree